When you are trying to conceive – especially if you are struggling with infertility – it’s a great time to “clean” up your lifestyle to improve your overall health. It’s important to know that there are things you might be doing, drinking or eating that may not be helping your chances of getting pregnant.
Not only that, if you do get pregnant, you’ll want to eliminate certain things, like stimulants, and some supplements – that could potentially mess with your body and your baby’s health. So, why not start making those positive changes now? Depending on how “addicted” you are to the things on the list below, it may take a minute to lose your attachment to them. So the sooner you get started, the better.
Most people know that eating unprocessed, real food (vegetables, fruit, healthy grains, etc.) and regular exercise is going to improve your health. But there are also some outside the box changes you can make to boost your fertility.
We spoke with Laurie Binder, a Doctor of Acupuncture and a Certified Nurse Practitioner in Santa Monica, California, who specializes in helping women who suffer from infertility. Here are 7 things she says you should do now, if you are trying to conceive:

Do not drink caffeine or other stimulants including herbal energy or weight loss supplements

2. Avoid alcohol

3. Only take hormones or pro-hormones such as DHEA, Melatonin, or 7-Keto after a blood test and recommendation by your doctor. Do not take unsupervised.

4. Avoid iced beverages – a Traditional Chinese Medicine recommendation

5. Avoid too much external stimulation- i.e. parties, noise, loud music, adrenalin-producing activities

6. Do not smoke or use recreational drugs

7. Do take time each day for rest and relaxation – and try meditation, if you haven’t. Make your physical and mental health a top priority.